Restructured in 1992, the Community Food Sharing Association serves as the central point for food distribution for the hungry throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. It is governed by a 12-person board of dedicated volunteers. Our current Chairperson is Wanda Hillier, the Client Service Manager, with RBC.
The general manager of the Community Food Sharing Association is Mrs. Tina Bishop. From the St. John's office and warehouse , Mrs. Bishop long with five staff members, supported by hundreds of caring volunteers and community-minded businesses, serve as the central organizers in the province for the collection and
distribution of food
Every year we collect more than eight million pounds of non-perishable food and distribute it through 56 food banks province wide to 10,700 children, women, and men. As a registered charity we annually issue receipts for the donation of funds and in-kind support valued at more than $800,000 from generous individuals and community minded companies and corporations province wide.
Since 1992 hundreds of companies have partnered with us to sponsor events, donate funds, donate food, and raise awareness of hunger and its impact on the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. Many of these companies continue to partner with us and this support is key to the success of the Community Food Sharing Association. This support is also essential if the fifty-six food banks across the province are to continue meeting the needs of the 10,700 people who return to them every month for help in meeting their basic nutritional needs.
Our province-wide network depends on kindness and hard work of hundreds of volunteers, some of whom have been with us since we began.
As part of its initiative to help people make the most out of donations, the Community Food Sharing Association has partnered with a nutritionist. She ensures that the food donated and purchased from financial contributions is packaged and distributed to individuals to provide balanced choices.
For every $10 donated to the Community Food Sharing Association we are able to acquire and distribute $205 worth of food from our corporate partners.
Last year Newfoundlanders and Labradorians donated more than $800,000 to the CFSA. With that we are able to purchase and distribute more than $16 million worth of food to deserving families and individuals.
Every year Newfoundlanders and Labradorians donate eight million pounds of food to the CFSA for distribution to the provincial food banks.
Thirty percent of the people who depend on food banks in Newfoundland and Labrador for basic nutrition are under the age of 18 years. And in 2019 there were 10,700 men, women and children on a monthly basis who turned to the Community Food Sharing Association for help because they were hungry.
Hunger in NL
Tonight in Newfoundland and Labrador more than 3,000 children will go to bed hungry. That's 30% of the 10,700 men, women, and children who, on a regular monthly basis, must turn to the local food bank because they don't have enough to eat.
This year fifty-six food banks across this province will distribute more than eight million pounds of food to deserving families and individuals.
About the General Manager Mrs. Tina M. Bishop
General Manager, Community Food Sharing Association
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